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August 16, 2024, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association Roundup Meeting

Robert Smith’s Farm

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Event Summary

Philip Brown, State Grazing Specialist, with the NRCS will be leading this workshop on Bale Grazing. Bale Grazing is an alternative hay feeding technique of setting bales on pasture in bulk quantities, uniformly
distributed within the field, and feeding in a planned,
controlled, and sequential manner utilizing temporary
electric fencing. Allocations are usually made on 30-day
to 45-day intervals but have extended up to 120 days.
Bale grazing has the potential to minimize soil damage
associated with hay feeding, helps distribute nutrients
and organic matter, and reduces time and equipment
operation associated with hay feeding. Other topics that
will be covered briefly will be toxic tall fescue conversion
and incorporating agroforestry into grazing systems.
